Minimizing Emissions

We employ comprehensive efforts to reduce
emissions across our operations.

Read Our Air Quick Summary
Emissions Reduction At-A-Glance

  • reduction in flaring emissions since 2017.

  • U.S. onshore flaring intensity in 2021.

  • elimination of U.S. onshore routine flaring in 2021.

In 2021, we achieved both our compensation linked ESG goals on emissions. We eliminated routine flaring onshore U.S. three months ahead of schedule, and significantly outperformed our goal to reduce overall flaring intensity to less than 1% of the gas we produced in 2021.

Short-Term Goal

For 2022, we introduced a new short-term ESG goal to reduce upstream routine flaring in Egypt by 40%.

Long-Term Goal

For the first time, we have set an ambitious goal directly tied to long-term incentive compensation. Specifically, by the end of 2024, we will deliver capital and operational projects that collectively will eliminate at least 1M tonnes of annualized CO2e emissions.