
Supplier Diversity

Our Approach

As a global oil and gas exploration and production company, our business reaches communities across multiple countries, languages and cultures. The Apache Supplier Diversity Program works to broaden our supplier base, reflecting the diversity of our operating areas through an innovative, inclusive and equitable procurement process. In collaboration with our diverse suppliers, we are able to efficiently work with current and future partners.

Our Approach
Jeremy Hill headshot

Jeremy Hill Managing Director, Supply Chain

Our Global Supply Chain team makes sourcing and contracting decisions based on best total value, and we recognize the opportunities that diverse suppliers bring to a competitive supply base. I invite you to engage with us to broaden our sourcing options and increase our exposure to innovative ideas and solutions.”

What We Look for in Suppliers

Safe and Environmentally Responsible – We are committed to providing a safe and environmentally responsible workplace, and we expect our suppliers to maintain the highest level of safety and environmental stewardship.

Quality – We set high quality and performance standards for ourselves in all we do and require the same from our suppliers.

Customer Focus – We aim to work with suppliers that deliver excellent customer service.

Cost Management – We prioritize suppliers that consistently provide cost effective solutions and operate efficiently.

Continuous Improvement – We want to engage with suppliers that continuously innovate and enhance their products and services.

What We Look for in Suppliers

Diverse and Small Business Qualifications

Diverse Businesses
Diverse suppliers are businesses that Apache determines are at least 51% owned and operated by an individual or individuals that are part of a traditionally underrepresented or underserved group. This includes the following business classifications:

Supplier Diversity Categories

Small Business
To qualify as a small business, suppliers must be certified with the Small Business Administration and comply with one of the following applicable standards:

Supplier Diversity Categories for Small Businesses


Apache uses national and regional third-party advocacy organizations to provide diverse certification status. Third-party certification of diverse suppliers is mandatory. Recognized certifying bodies include, but are not limited to:


Tier 2 Program

Our Tier 2 program reinforces our commitment to an innovative and inclusive procurement process. We strongly encourage our prime suppliers to honor their commitment to diversity by providing opportunities to maximize Tier 2 supplier participation when sourcing for Apache goods and services. Click here to learn more and submit your report.

Circle of hands holding on to one another

If you are interested in becoming a part of Apache’s supplier diversity program, please ensure you meet the qualifications.

Register Now


Need help becoming a certified diverse supplier? Contact: [email protected]