In September 2024, Apache Corporation hosted its second-annual Supplier Diversity Day at the company’s Midland office. The day-long event included an exhibition and seminar dedicated to expanding supplier outreach and supporting diverse suppliers through the company’s certification process.
“Diverse suppliers, from small business owners to minority-owned businesses, make a significant impact in the communities where we operate,” said Clint M., director of Apache’s production operations for the U.S. onshore, who spoke at the event. “The value-add and agility that these suppliers provide make our operations more efficient, and we hope to continue to build our relationships with these crucial partners.”
More than 100 vendors from the Midland-Odessa area were in attendance, where they heard from external speakers representing a wide range of companies in the oil and gas industry. The speakers discussed the certification process and the benefits of being recognized as a diverse supplier by a third party.
“Many vendors we currently work with are actually considered diverse but have not gone through the certification process to be officially designated as a diverse supplier,” said Arelys T., supplier diversity lead. “Once they are certified, suppliers can expand their market share, which positions them to access more capital to upskill and upscale their business. Our team is here to not only ensure that Apache is expanding its diverse supplier base, but also empowering existing suppliers to be able to attract more customers as a by-product of being certified.”
Supplier diversity is a component of our overall environment, social and governance (ESG) strategy at Apache. For more information about the company’s supplier diversity program, visit the Supplier Diversity page.
Oct. 2024