Recruiting Scams

Please be aware of fraudulent recruiting scams and communications that do not originate from Apache. Phishing scams can appear as phony job ads used to convince job hunters to send them personal information. Cybercriminals post their ads on legitimate job sites and often use familiar-looking or convincing company logos, language, and links to fake websites that appear to be those of real organizations. These criminals might also seek fees for services they will never render.

During the initial recruiting process, Apache never seeks nonwork-related personal information such as social security number, credit card number, date of birth, bank account information, or marital status online, or by email, phone, or fax. Apache never seeks fees from either prospective employees or contractors. Emails to applicants that originate from Apache will end with “” Emails that do not end with “” are not from Apache Corporation.

To report recruiting fraud, please contact Apache Security at [email protected] or 713-296-6400 (855-296-6400 toll-free). Please be prepared to email all documentation you received including original emails as attachments.