
Inspiring the Next Generation of Women Scientists in the U.K.

The traditionally male-dominated Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) fields are often synonymous with the oil and gas industry, requiring the robust application of these disciplines from the early phases of exploration to the final stages of decommissioning.

Apache Employees Join Houston Mayor Sylvester Turner to Celebrate Arbor Day 

On a bright and cool February morning, Apache employees gathered in Glenshire Park to celebrate the City of Houston’s 37th Annual Arbor Day Celebration.

Apache Spreads Holiday Cheer for Those in Need in Aberdeen

As the holiday season kicks into full gear, shoppers likely find themselves scanning through countless aisles of toys…

Let There Be Less Light: How Apache Preserves Dark Skies

Access to electricity has made nighttime an active part of modern life…

Apache Partners with Nonprofit Wataneya Society to Assist Egyptian Orphans

Elevating the well-being of children in Egypt has been central to Apache Corporation’s community engagement in the country…

In Egypt, More Compression Means Less Emissions and More Production

As part of APA’s efforts to reduce emissions across our global operations, technical teams have identified projects and opportunities…

Energy Access in the Ivory Coast

Stéphane was one of the fortunate ones — he had consistent access to electricity, clean running water and transportation. Life in…

Energy Transforming Lives in Eastern India

It was not until Rana was in high school that his family was able to access liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) to replace coal and…

Reducing Emissions and Increasing Production in Egypt with a Natural Gas Solution

As part of the APA’s efforts to reduce emissions across our global operations, technical teams have identified projects…

Growing a Greener World

Growing a Greener World

Since its launch, Apache’s Tree Grant Program has donated millions of trees to communities across the United States…

Apache Trains Employees to Spot Signs of Human Trafficking

An estimated 40 million adults and children are enslaved across the world today as victims of human trafficking. Apache…

Apache Places Egyptian Heritage on Display

The newly renovated Hall of Ancient Egypt at the Houston Museum of Natural Science (HMNS) recently opened following an…